
Spirit Quartz Crystal

Spirit Quartz Crystal

Spirit Quartz Crystal

Spirit Quartz is a crystal that came onto the scene about seven years ago. It comes out of South Africa and is clear or amethyst quartz, expressing itself as a single point or as a cluster. Encasing the point or cluster are hundreds of tiny clear or amethyst points. The reason why I have chosen to talk about it is because it is superb for working in communication, and with participation in group, organization, or community issues.

In creating this blog, I hope to form a community of people who have the same interests as myself, where we can learn, share and grow from each other. In Jamaica,  our motto is, “Out of Many One People.” I think this saying is more befitting for the melting pot of the United States of America, than for the little island where I am from. And isn’t that what community is all about? It is about many people coming together as one for the common good of all, yet at the same time, maintaining their ability to be individuals. That’s easier said than done.

On my website, I talk about the fact that crystals gather, hold, amplify and release energy. Well, Spirit Quartz has the ability to illuminate and heal discord and dissonance within individuals, groups and community. This week, I think we should have scattered a whole bunch of these crystals on the floor of the senate and the congress concerning the raising of the debt ceiling. Maybe, they would have knocked some sense into those senators and congressmen to put the country first, instead of their ideology. So said more directly, Spirit Quartz can be a powerful addition to building community, and it can be a valuable asset in working the magic to build alliances.