
Christmas in Miami

Even though Hurricane Irma devastated my garden by knocking down many trees, destroying foliage and rendering the trees that were standing leafless; by December, many rays of hope delighted my garden. Even huge swaths of grass that lay dead under the weight of tons of debris waiting for weeks for the County to pick up are once again sprouting with new life.

Here are pictures of some of these beauties:

(Click on the first picture to open a manual slide show)


Christmas In Key West

Over Thanksgiving weekend, I visited Key West. I saw no visible signs that it been brushed by Hurricane Irma except for a huge uprooted tree which had been cut to a stump and was laying on it’s side exposing it’s huge roots. Other than that, everything seemed normal.

We took a tour of the town on the Old Town Trolley Hop On, Hop Off bus where I took pictures along the ride.

So please enjoy my photo journal  which I have titled “Christmas in Key West.”

(Click on the picture to reveal a manual slide show)